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Immune Enhancement Strategy: Exercise+Dietary Supplement Chapter

Immune Enhancement Strategy: Exercise+Dietary Supplement Chapter

Immune Enhancement Strategy: Exercise+Dietary Supplement Chapter


The spring weather is getting warmer, and more and more people are traveling outdoors. But in spring, there is a large change in temperature difference, and people with weaker physical fitness are easily prone to triggering typhoid and cold in the roller coaster of temperature difference. This article provides popular science knowledge on enhancing immunity from the perspectives of exercise and dietary supplementation.

1、 Sports section

1. Running: Jogging outdoors can enhance physical fitness, enhance the respiratory system's adaptation to temperature, improve resistance, and regulate the proportion of white blood cells, macrophages, lymphocytes, and other components in the blood. Jogging should not be too fast, and it is advisable to breathe normally. Pay attention to inhaling through the nose and exhaling through the mouth.

2. Swimming: Due to the stimulation of warm water on the skin, the blood vessels in the skin contract sharply. After a strong contraction of the blood vessels, there is a corresponding relaxation. This allows for exercise by contracting the blood vessels one by one, thereby regulating the body's immune system and improving resistance.

3. Push ups are a common aerobic exercise that not only improves physical fitness but also enhances the immune system's ability to respond to antigens. It is recommended that beginners set up 2 groups per day, each group 10-15 times.

4. Yoga: The thymus is the center of cellular immunity in the body, located in the mediastinum of the chest. Many postures and breathing techniques in yoga have the function of stimulating the thymus gland, which enhances the body's immune system by stimulating its secretion.





2、 Dietary supplement section

1. Protein. The essential raw materials for antibody formation are proteins, which are synthetic materials for various enzymes, hormones, antibodies, and immune factors in the human body. These substances help accelerate chemical reactions in the body, regulate bodily functions, and resist diseases.

Recommended daily intake per person:

① 40-75g of aquatic products.

② 40-75g of livestock and poultry.

③ 300g milk.

④ 1 egg (40-50g).

⑤ 15-25g of soy products.

2. Vitamin A helps maintain the integrity of the skin and mucous membranes. When vitamin A is sufficient, the skin and body's protective layer (such as the respiratory tract) can maintain normal anti infection ability and natural barrier function against external invasion.

Recommended food:

① Animal liver and fish liver oil are rich in content.

② The B carotene provided by orange and dark green fruits and vegetables (carrots, pumpkins, broccoli, pickled vegetables, spinach, etc.) can be converted into vitamin A in the human body.

3. Vitamin C has antioxidant effects, which can reduce external interference with the balance of human cells, promote the formation of antibodies, and maintain normal immunity. The most vitamin C rich food is fresh fruits and vegetables.

Recommended food:

① Vegetables include sweet peppers, bitter gourds, cauliflower, broccoli, and mustard.

② Fruits include dates, kiwifruit, cherries, pomegranates, citrus, lemons, pomelos, and strawberries.

4. Vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin that can promote the operation of the immune system and resist the invasion of foreign viruses. Vitamin D can promote the physical barrier that prevents microorganisms from entering cells and enhance innate cellular immunity.


① The sources of vitamins in food are not abundant, only fish liver oil, liver, kidneys, etc. contain small amounts.

② It can be supplemented by sunlight or supplements.

③ Daily intake of 10 for individuals under 65 years old μ G Vitamin D (4001U); Daily intake of 15 for individuals aged 65 and above μ G Vitamin D (600IU).

Selenium is an essential trace element for the human body and is known as the "fire of life" in the international pharmaceutical and nutritional fields.

The main effects of selenium on the human body include improving the immune function, enhancing the immune system's ability to recognize viruses, foreign objects, and body lesions that enter the body, increasing immune system cell proliferation, antibody synthesis, and levels of antibodies in the blood, enhancing immune system cell phagocytosis, and thus enhancing the body's immune function.

Recommended food:

The good sources of selenium are marine food, animal liver, kidneys, and meat.





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