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Science popularization: exercise and dietary health

Science popularization: exercise and dietary health


Science popularization: exercise and dietary health

In recent years, for those who insist on exercising, a healthy diet and balance between eating and exercise have become increasingly important. Only by balancing eating and exercise can we better achieve the goal of assisting exercise, reducing fat, or shaping the body. This article provides dietary guidelines for people who love sports, better combining exercise and healthy eating.


1、 Before exercise: low GI slow carbon+high protein

Supplementing with food 1-2 hours before exercise can ensure energy supply during training and also ensure that food has been digested. Food can continue the fat burning effect during exercise. After exercise, the body can continue to burn fat.

Suggestion: Choose foods with high fiber and low fat for low GI and slow carbon. Foods with high fiber content can absorb slowly and increase fat supply by 17%.

Common foods: whole wheat toast, purple potatoes, buckwheat flour, corn, oatmeal, pumpkin.

Tips: Oat contains a high amount of fiber, which is difficult to digest and can be slowly digested. It can provide a continuous supply of nutrients, which is beneficial for supplementing fitness nutrition.

High protein: Muscles are composed of protein, and it is important to consume sufficient protein to increase satiety and improve exercise endurance.

Common foods: chicken breast, fish, beef, eggs, nuts, yogurt.


2、 During exercise: Drink water multiple times in small sips

During exercise and fitness, the human body loses a large amount of water, especially in hot weather or high-intensity exercise in sealed spaces, resulting in a significant loss of water in the body. Therefore, it is necessary to replenish water. In addition to losing water, sodium and potassium ions in the body will also be lost with sweat. At this time, it is necessary to supplement sports drinks containing electrolytes, which also contain some sugar, which can quickly provide energy, relieve fatigue, and improve exercise performance.

Suggestion: Drink 100-200ml of warm water every 20 minutes of exercise, take small sips, and avoid a dry mouthful.


3、 After exercise: moderate high GI+easily digestible protein

The peak energy demand of the body occurs within one hour after exercise. Timely energy supplementation after exercise is beneficial for muscle synthesis and reserves of liver glycogen and muscle glycogen to prepare for the next good exercise state.

Suggestion: Moderate high GI: Reduce cortisol levels and quickly restore physical strength Common foods:

Bananas, sweet potatoes, bread, apples, rice.

Tips: Bananas can serve as a natural energy stick that helps maintain muscle and nerve function. Eating a banana can help you maintain high nutritional levels.

Digestible protein: repair and protect muscles, and continuously consume calories Food: milk, soybean milk, eggs, fish, walnuts.

Finally, we should not be ashamed of consuming fat. Fat does indeed have a higher energy reserve. 1g of fat can provide 9 calories, while 1g of protein and carbohydrates can only provide 4 calories. Fat is also a raw material for many hormone synthesis and an important component of cell membranes. Oil is also an essential substance for promoting the absorption of fat soluble vitamins. High quality fats such as flaxseed oil, olive oil, various nuts, and deep-sea fish are worth promoting





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