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Science popularization guidance for aerobic exercise

Science popularization guidance for aerobic exercise

Science popularization guidance for aerobic exercise

Aerobic exercise, also known as cardiopulmonary exercise, refers to the actions taken by our body under conditions of sufficient oxygen supply. The energy source of aerobic exercise mainly comes from the aerobic metabolism of sugar and fat in the body. Simply put, low-intensity, long-term exercise is basically aerobic exercise. The characteristics of aerobic exercise are low intensity, rhythmic duration, and long duration.

1、 What are the common aerobic exercises?

1. Running: This is a simple and common aerobic exercise method that can be chosen from outdoor running, indoor treadmills, or participating in running group activities.

2. Swimming: Swimming is an aerobic exercise with minimal impact on joints, suitable for people of all ages. Swimming can exercise muscles throughout the body and improve cardiovascular function.

3. Riding a bicycle: The advantage of riding a bicycle is that time and speed are not limited. Cycling can help you lose weight and keep you healthy. Cycling requires a large amount of oxygen, so it can also enhance heart function and prevent high blood pressure.

4. Yoga: Yoga is an aerobic exercise that emphasizes breathing and posture, which can help relieve stress, improve body flexibility and balance.

5. Elliptical Machine Training: Elliptical machines are aerobic exercise equipment that simulate running and climbing stairs, with less impact on joints and suitable for indoor exercise.



2、 How should aerobic exercise be practiced?

1. Choose multiple aerobic exercises for cross practice, and persisting in one type of aerobic exercise for a long time can help the body adapt to the exercise, leading to a faster onset of the fat loss plateau.

2. The recommended time for aerobic exercise is 30-45 minutes. Excessive aerobic exercise can cause the body to lose a large amount of muscle, but instead reduce metabolism, which is not conducive to weight loss.

3. Priority should be given to HIIT high-intensity interval training, which not only has high fat burning efficiency but also has the characteristic of continuous fat burning.

4. Combining strength training: While engaging in aerobic exercise, strength training can be combined to improve muscle strength and endurance. This can help you better cope with the challenges of aerobic exercise and improve overall performance.

3、 A more efficient aerobic exercise method: fasting aerobic exercise

An empty stomach is when our body begins to noticeably lack energy substances and blood sugar levels are relatively low. Generally speaking, it is considered an empty stomach state when we have not eaten for 8-12 hours. A typical empty stomach state is when we wake up in the morning after a night of fasting.

When on an empty stomach, the available sugar levels in the body are low, and during exercise, the proportion of fat oxidation and combustion generally increases. That is to say, if our body can use less sugar, fat will be more utilized, which is the theoretical basis for the more effective fasting fat reduction.

Fasting aerobic can more efficiently reduce fat. The proportion of aerobic fat supply on an empty stomach is very high. If it is low-intensity aerobic, the proportion of fat function can even reach 70%.

It is recommended to do mid to low intensity aerobic exercises on an empty stomach, such as brisk walking, jogging, and a pace of 6-8 minutes/km. The intensity should not be too high, otherwise it is easy to have low blood sugar and muscle loss.

It is generally recommended to have oxygen on an empty stomach for 30-45 minutes. If you are afraid of muscle loss, you can eat some easily digestible protein before having oxygen on an empty stomach, such as egg white and protein powder. If you consume enough carbon, water, and protein after fasting exercise, it will create a good hormonal environment for muscle growth; If you are a population with high visceral fat during the platform period, fasting exercise can help you reduce fat more effectively.








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