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Riding a bicycle

Activity Introduction

Cycling is a comprehensive aerobic exercise suitable for people of all ages. Whether as a form of exercise or a daily means of transportation, cycling brings many benefits to physical health and convenience in daily life.


Low impact sports: Compared to high impact sports such as running, cycling has less impact on joints and bones, making it suitable for people of all ages and health conditions.

Improving cardiovascular function: Cycling can enhance cardiovascular function and improve cardiovascular health. Long term aerobic exercise can increase heart rate and respiratory rate, promote blood circulation and oxygen delivery.

Shaping body lines: Cycling can effectively burn calories, help reduce body fat, shape body lines, and improve muscle strength and endurance.

Improving coordination and balance: Riding a bicycle requires maintaining balance and coordination, which can exercise the body's balance and coordination abilities, especially for the elderly.

Reducing stress and improving mental health: Cycling helps to relieve stress, reduce anxiety and depression, and improve mental health. Exposure to the natural environment and outdoor activities also have a positive impact on psychological state.


Appropriate equipment and environment are required: Riding a bicycle requires appropriate bicycles and safety equipment, such as helmets, gloves, etc. In addition, it is necessary to choose an environment suitable for cycling and avoid busy or dangerous roads.

Restricted by weather and terrain: Cycling is limited by weather and terrain. Adverse weather conditions (such as rain, snow, etc.) and rugged terrain may affect the comfort and safety of cycling.

High intensity training may lead to overtraining: Long periods of high-intensity cycling can lead to problems with overtraining, increasing the risk of injury and fatigue. Reasonably arranging training plans and paying attention to moderate rest are important.

Overall, cycling is a very popular aerobic exercise that can bring many physical and psychological benefits. By planning cycling routes reasonably, paying attention to safety, and moderately controlling exercise intensity, one can better enjoy the fun of cycling and reduce potential risks.


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Activity Receipt

  • Start time: 2024-03-01 16:21:29

  • End time: 2024-04-30 16:21:24

  • Event location: 香港特别行政区/香港特别行政区

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